A sign with a fork, plate, and knife.

Remember When We Just Ate Burritos?

“Just like the music of, say, Drag City bands on a nineties campus, food is now viewed as a legitimate option for a hobby, a topic of endless discussion, a playground of one-upmanship, and a measuring stick of cool” – Michael Idov

Our generation’s relationship with food and dining has shifted from pure nutrition to a kind of cultural capital. Food has become a way for people to meet, interact, and prove that they are in the know. Michael Idov explores this hipster food culture through his case study of Diane Chang, “When Did Young People Start Spending 25% of Their Paychecks on Pickled Lamb’s Tongues?”Chang is a young New York woman who despises being called a foodie as she explains, “When I hear the word foodie, I think of Yelp. I don’t want to be lumped in with Yelp” (102). Idov chronicles this movement from the old and fusty discussing fine dining to the “Generation X ethic” as a two-pronged endeavor: the growing use of social media and cell phone technology, but also the restaurant revolution in terms of aesthetic dining (102). The restaurants changed and so the culture around the food changed, too. Continue reading

Finding Comfort in the Culinary

enchilada plate

Cheese Enchiladas with Spanish Rice

“When disaster struck, it didn’t surprise me that the people of New Orleans yearned more than ever for that taste of home…”

––Amy Cyrex Sins

After the floods caused by Hurricane Katrina, New Orleanian Amy Cyrex Sins was left with a deep sense of loss from both her destroyed home and, more poignantly, her devastated recipe collection. In her essay, “Doberge Cake after Katrina,” Sins longingly reminisces about such family classics as cheesy “Birthday Chicken” and, of course, “light, fluffy, and moist” Doberge Cake (45). Sins goes into detail about the specific foods and memories of her hometown, but she is ultimately writing about the same hunger we all feel when we are away from home and can’t find comfort on our foreign plates. Continue reading